Rocketboat, is a group of young guys that created a compilation of 12 songs for an album titled “Rocketboat” The album was released in the winter of 2012 and has remained underground. The group sound reminds me of the likes of My Chemical Romance, and System of A Down, but not as heavy. Rocketboat has a very punk rock feel to it as well as experimental elements.
No Consolation is one of my favorite tracks on the album. The intro is very chill and catchy with it’s melody. When the vocals hit their very firm and have great lyrical content. The vocalist voice makes pretty steady and has a great melody to it as far as the patterns in the song. The guitars are what I would like to call fairly experimental and more rock sounding. The solo is wicked, that adds that extra touch that a song needs to make it go from okay, to awesome. The chorus is also catchy and fits the song structure very well. The ending ends with a more shouting style of screams, which I enjoy it adds a lot of emotion to the song especially when he shouts “listen to me”.
Olympia Gold has a very punk rock feel to it. The vocals are great and fit the song well. The guitars are upbeat and played at a faster tempo. They also have a good change of pace, especially when everything just stops on a dime and starts back up again. This track is also filled with a sick solo which is very much lacking in today’s music scene. The main riff is great but the lead guitar seals the deal with his creativeness and his diversity. The drums are played well, I enjoy the tempo and the “pop” the snare gives throughout the song makes it feel very real, since a lot of today’s drums are programed.
The song Rocketboat begins with great grooves from the guitarist, and begins with vocals that are well done and well placed. The clapping that we hear during the track makes the song sound much more pop punk, but the riffs are more complex than your regular pop punk. I also really like the instrumental break through it where what I believe we hear some synth or a guitar effect that gives the song a very spacey sound to it. Half way through you think the song is going to end, but it picks back up and the tempo becomes much faster ending the song with waves of chaos from all the instruments. This makes the sound very futuristic with and adds “hype” to it. It all almost sounds like everything is just going to explode, or take off to Mars. After the song is called rocketboat.
Overall I really enjoyed this album. The riffs are different and complex. The time signatures are spot on and the vocals are very well placed and produced! It’s hard to find vocals done these days that aren’t over produced, or under produced I think these are right on point and fit the sound of the band very well. I would definitely check this band out and give them a listen if you’re into punk!
See more on their blog
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