Monday, April 21, 2014

Insanus Wrath of creation review

Insanus is a band residing in Portugal. The band formed in 2007 and broke up in 2010. They released one EP titled Wrath of Creation in 2010. This album is a pinnacle for melodic metal. It’s extremely underrated and probably due to location and very little promotion. The guitar riffs are heavy and catchy. They don’t overdue the breakdown and keep things at an up-tempo speed. Song’s such as rise of the fallen and bitter life are some of my favorites off the EP. If your fans of Lamb of God or Salt the wound be battle ready to see a combination of these two on cocaine. The vocals are very powerful, and heavy, He’s able to mix highs and mids, but doesn’t really go extremely low like you here in slam death metal bands. The guitar riffs are unique and will have your head bobbing by the middle of every song. You can feel the energy and work that has gone into crafting each and every song. The band lasted very shortly, but they definitely left a master piece, and undiscovered dime behind.

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